
Hand-over of exhibits

Meaning to reduce our stock of exhibits ahead of the relocation to the former medical building, we have begun to part from a number of exhibits because the new premises are – at least partially – too  limited in space.
A team from the Luftwaffenmuseum (Air Force Museum) in Berlin-Gatow paid us a visit and left taking the 1:3-scale models of the G.91 and the Alpha Jet as well as the ejector seat of the MiG 29 with them. In addition, Dieter Urban has packed up the 1:5-scale model of the F-86 Sabre, which we had on loan at the old place, planning to make it fit to fly again.

Loading of the 1:3-scale Fiat G.91 model by the team of the Luftwaffenmuseum of Berlin-Gatow
Loading of the 1:3-scale Alpha Jet model by the team of the Luftwaffenmuseum of Berlin-Gatow
Loading of the MiG 29 ejector seat
Dieter Urban taking the F-86 apart

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