Presentation of restored Alpha Jet cockpit

In connection with the November Beer Call the restored cockpit of an Alpha-Jet could be presented to the public. It took members of the Traditionsgemeinschaft numerous hours to turn a detached empty segment of the fuselage into a fully equipped, accessible cockpit. Page 10 of our image gallery tells the story of the restoration. There is a photo book on “Project Cockpit” available at our fan shop.

Download the pdf file that tells the history of the reconstruction of the cockpit

TG on Tour to Dresden

30 members of the Traditionsgemeinschaft took part in this year`s TG on Tour to Dresden that included a sightseeing tour, visits to Our Lady` s Church (Frauenkirche), the Army`s Officer Training College, the Königstein Fortress and the Museum of Military History. Participants enjoyed themselves in what was mainly good weather.
You will find a number of photos of the trip in image gallery #5.

Flight over the air base

The following link leads you to a video that shows the flight of a drone over the air base, starting at the former main guardhouse, filmed on March 8, 2021.

Filmed in spring of 2021


For our annual barbecue we were able to welcome more than 70 guests outside and inside the premises of the Traditionsgemeinschaft. Delicious food and lots of free beer provided ample leisure time for interesting conversation.

Innovation camp 2015

In connection with grass-root participation in the future development of the air base area a so-called innovation camp was held where citizens were expected to contribute their ideas and proposals for future planning. Read more at the very bottom of the News from Fliegerhorst page.
Lesen Sie hierzu einen Artikel aus der NWZ vom 23.11.2015,0,600671842.html

Film about ACE Guard 91
Wreath-laying ceremony 2018

As in previous years, some members of the Traditionsgemeinschaft took part in this year’s wreath-laying ceremony at the Aeronauts’ Memorial in Kleiner Bürgerbusch. H. Friz spoke in remembrance of the victims of all armed conflicts of the past, but also included the present-day refugees. Ch. Röhlig supplied the musical accompaniment.

Search for ordonance

Envisioning the sale of the air base area for housing construction, the ground where remains of ordinance are suspected is being deeply dug up and sifted through at the moment. Future building sites must be free of explosives.

Visit at Tactical Fighter Wing 71 “Richthofen”

A day s excursion took 32 members of the Traditionsgemeinschaft to Tactical Air Force Wing 71 (Richthofen) at Wittmund. After inspecting the impressive collection from the field of military history put together by the Traditionsgemeinschaft Richthofen on the premises of the former NCO mess the group proceeded to the air base where there was a Eurofighter on view. It was unfortunate that for operational and metereological reasons the aircraft could not be seen in flight.

Road bowling across the air base

In relatively windy but predominantly dry weather 34 kale fans set out for a tour of road bowling across the air base. The following kale dinner found the group enjoying the Oldenburg “national” dish in a cozy atmosphere.
In our image gallery 1 you can see pictures of the event.